Wednesday, January 14, 2009

SSDWLC's 9th Newsletter


Good Afternoon! This truly has been a "crazy" day for me! It all started with the "mouse who wouldn't leave". Yes ladies... there was a mouse in my office. I totally couldn't focus due to worry about that little hairy animal. Eww!

Well... it is still cycle time, so I am still a tad bloated. It's all good though. I am still working out and eating right. I am too blessed to be stressed, so I can't complain.
I want to start by welcoming Ashanti (the cousin of a friend of mine) and Summer (a high school friend) to the circle. They each want to lose around 20 lbs and have heard (through me) so much about this support group. WELCOME LADIES!!!!!!!!!!! We can't wait for your feedback!

I am in the process of starting a blog for this support circle (I have also started back posting in my personal blog). As soon as it is complete I will send out the URL and begin posting the emails on the site. You will still receive emails, I will just archive them on the site.

Let's get this party started!

CRay's Tip of the Day!
Listen to your body! Don't over do it ladies... pay close attention to your body! Rest when it is time to rest... work when you have energy to work... stop eating when your stomach is full... get at least 8 hours of sleep. The point I am getting at is... TAKE CARE OF YOU!

Remember you are no good to those around you if you are not good to yourself!

In Peace and Struggle.

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