Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stop Comparisons!

Greetings Ladies!

I do pray you are in the midst of the most pleasurable day ever!

I don’t have to tell you how good God is, each of you should know, if not… shoot me an email and I will fill you in on His grace and mercy!

I do apologize for not posting anything in the last week or so. I have just been preparing for the GREATNESS that is about to prevail in my life. Oooohhh… I feel my breakthrough and I am so excited about it. When God begins to stir up your world, let him. Obedience leads us directly to our blessing… there are no shortcuts (that will be for your good). I challenge each of you to take God’s hand and…


Ok… health and wellness. I must admit I got a tad relaxed with my eating and I gained about four pounds (not to mention, my cycle is on the way). At first I began to beat myself up about it, then I thought… this is just God’s way of showing me that you can never be to comfortable. You should always be striving for your personal best!

I took His advice, and I will begin the SSDWLC again starting Monday May 4th. I have a Women’s Retreat at Church this weekend and I plan to enjoy the word and food! I will make to time to work out as well.

This leads me to…

CRay’s Tip of the Day…
Stop Comparisons! You were uniquely made… the mold was broken after you. Stop comparing your weight loss journey with those around you. Our bodies are different and we lose weight at different paces (we also look differently when the weight peels off). Always make strides to achieve your personal best and stop comparing yourself to women on a similar journey.

Be loyal to your body by only intaking the best foods in adequate portions. Also exercise to tone your body and relax your mind. Continue to do all these things at your personal pace and don’t worry about what other women are doing. I promise if you will do this it will enable you to live the best life you can!

God’s Love,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

See it and Be It: Everything Starts with a Vision!

Good Day Ladies!

What a BEAUTIFUL Day, after the horrific storm that hit Houston this weekend! It was the GREAT FLOOD on Friday and Saturday… I promise I saw animals lining up on the highway to jump on Noah’s Ark!

I digress…

I am so glad God chose me… He is indeed wonderful and a much needed force in my life. Lately I have begun to feel things shifting around in my life… ALL because of Him! My outward appearance is only a small part of that… my heart WHOAH… how it has grown.

On this road to perfect the outer shell that people see, we tend to lose our inner selves. I want to use this post to speak to that woman deep inside of you that is desperately struggling to free herself.


Stop holding on to standards that man has set before you. God is the true judge and jury, everything else is a formality. Stop attempting to get (or keep) a man, or friends. If your mind is spiritually focused and your heart is pure, nothing (no one) can derail your train ride to GREATNESS.

I speak to this, because I have experienced it so much in life. I look in the mirror and think… I’m beautiful, intelligent, possess a BANGIN’ body, my personality is in tack, I’m ambitious, and I LOVE God… why am I alone?

God whispered so delicately in my ear… “You are not alone my darling, I am forever with you and I will supply your King when I am ready. You can seek all you want and settle if you wish, but if you want the REAL thing, you must seek me first!”

What a powerful word!

The conversation that God and I had on that night was so much bigger than me wanting companionship, it inspired me to be at PEACE with my self and stop seeking confirmation and adoration from others. Find the true peace within and God will work everything out in your favor!

Now moving on to…

CRay’s Tip of the Day…
Create a Vision Board! I know, I know… what is a vision board? A vision board is a physical collection of your aspirations and hopes.

Creating one is easy…
1. Purchase a poster board and any other craft supplies (glue…scissors…markers)
2. Grab some magazines... newspapers… catalogs
3. Brainstorm all of the things you want to have and accomplish in life. Think BIG!
4. Cut out and paste (draw) all of these aspirations on the poster board.
5. Place the poster in an area that you walk by everyday, for motivation to have these things!

DREAM BIG! God wants you to have the desires of your heart plus much… much… more!

In Peace and Struggle.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stay In Balance!

Good Morning Ladies!

Peace and Blessings on this MAGNIFICENT Day!

God is unbelievably good! The last week has been such a blessing for me in so many ways! I went to a revival last night that just “re-fueled” my spirit. God is truly AWESOME and it is far past time that we stop trying to get through this life alone and rely on his grace and mercy to aid us down the path of righteousness!

So many people look at me and wonder… how does she do it… the life of the party, blunt and (kindly) honest, handle single parenthood, stay physically and spiritually fit, help others and stay sane ALL at the same time!

I’ll tell you how…

CRay’s Tip of the Day…
PRIORITIZE and BALANCE Key Factors in Your Life! Obviously as a woman you want to make sure that your physical, mental and spiritual health is always in tact. Let us not for get about family, work and other daily life events that occupy your time.

It is vital that we understand how to multi-task and accomplish ALL of these things all while staying true to who God created us to be. So often we look to the world for acceptance, when the fact of the matter is… God is our only judge. Let’s take the strength that He has given us and live the best life EVER!

First you should write down what tasks need to be accomplished on a daily bases (errands, work, working out, taking care of the family, meditation, etc…). After you clearly know what needs to be taken care of, rank the items in order of importance (some things will have to wait) and multi-task as need be.

After this, say a silent prayer to God to direct your path in the most productive way possible and go on about your day accomplishing things as needed and have no regrets if you have to put something off… make sure you get back to it as soon as you get the time.

During ALL this… remain calm and always take some time for yourself (doing things that you like). Laugh often and have a BLAST in life… you only have one!

Your Sister in Balance.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rock Hard Abs...

by. Denise Austin

Is getting a flat stomach one of your fitness goals? If it is, I'm going to let you in on a little secret: You can work your ab muscles all day long and achieve great results — just by going about your daily life! By paying attention to your posture and pulling your abs in tightly, you'll be giving your abs a continuous workout for hours at a time.
Does it sound too good to be true? Well it isn't! You may think that sexy abs can only come from doing hundreds of crunches a day, but you'll achieve more noticeable results much more quickly simply by standing up straight and tucking everything in.

Give it a try right now! Sit or stand up super straight. It might help to imagine that there's a string attached to the crown of your head and it's pulling your whole body upward. Picture your spine getting straighter and longer. You'll soon notice that your hips automatically tuck under and your tummy squeezes in — quite the opposite of how your stomach protrudes when you're slumped over. Standing upright like this works your abs — and, if you can keep it up all day, just imagine how 16 hours of ab work will strengthen your core! Even better than that rock-hard stomach you'll achieve will be the way you look slimmer and more confident with that excellent posture. Go for it!

Calorie Cuttin'!


It has been awhile since I’ve posted and for that I apologize! God has been doing a mighty work in my life in the last two weeks! I have indeed been consumed, but I have not forgotten about you.

I just want each of you to truly understand how real God is… He is with us through the up’s, down’s and in betweens of life. Only the Lord gives to us and only the Lord can take away. I want each of you to remember this… not only on your weight loss journey, but in life. Stop letting “man” dictate your peace of mind and happiness. The joy inside you should be with you always.

Enjoy each day as if it were your last and don’t forget to live!

CRay’s Tip of the Day…
Cut those Calories! So often when people are attempting to shed pounds they worry solely about getting enough exercise and begin to get defeated immediately. They think that they can consume what ever they would like as long as they workout. This is totally a myth!

Weight loss is definitely about exercise, but most importantly, it is about cutting calories and burning fat.

A pound of fat is 3,500 calories; you can either burn it or gain it. When you begin to cut the amount of calories that you intake each day and exercise to burn even more calories, that is when you begin to see weight loss. There is no “get skinny quick” way around this. There are a ton of “quick fixes” out there, but they are only temporary. In order to lose weight and keep it off you have to make healthier eating decisions and that begins with cutting out access calories.

Exercise is important to aid in burning more calories and to tone your body (building muscle). Depending on how much weight you are aiming to lose for starters, exercise should be 15% of importance to you and healthy nutrition should be 85%.

I challenge each of you (who would like to shed some pounds) to cut your daily caloric intake to 1,700 calories (this number may range based on your body mass index- 1,700 is an average for those who aren’t sure what theirs is). Healthy weight loss is 2 to 3 pounds a week… watch that fat burn away!

Be encouraged… you’ve already won your battle!

CONGRATS ASHONTI!!!!!!!!!!! One week into our program and she has lost 2 pounds! Keep it going lady!

In Peace and Struggle.