Monday, March 2, 2009

Don't Give Up!


I hope this day meets you in the midst of peace, bliss and tranquility!

Before I start, I would like to congratulate JP on her weight loss. She is sitting at a comfortable 134 (10 pound loss since September) and in the wonderful size of 6! Get it girl!

I do apologize for not posting in a week. Last week was the final week of my fast! God is good. The fast definitely got me grounded spiritually. I must admit, I did get a tad relaxed physically. My workouts were not as intense (I was fatigued from not eating all day) and after 6pm I consumed double the amount of calories that I would have in a typical day. I am saying all this to say… I have gained 5 pounds. Yes ladies… I am the one in need of encouragement!

I have begun the meal plan again along with a journal of my exercise, food intake and random thoughts. I know that the weight will again fly off, it’s just a tad discouraging right now. As most of you know, I weigh myself everyday. It’s sad but true! I have committed to only weighing myself once this week (Saturday). Hopefully I can shed at least a couple of pounds by then. I have also started back with my yoga classes (which went straight out of the window when my fast began, because the classes were during my “feeding” time). These old but new peps in my step should lead me back down the path of weight loss.

I know most of you are thinking… “it’s only 5 pounds, get over it”. I will not! First it’s “just” 5 pounds, next thing you know its 25… I can’t and won’t risk it! Not to mention, I need my body in tip top shape to compete this summer!

CRay’s Tip of the Day…
Never Give Up! I know (please believe me) that it is hard at times to stay consistent with eating right and working out. Know that the only important factors in that are consistency and never giving up. As the song states “we fall down, but we get up”, Donnie McKlurkin could not have stated it better.

Life will knock us down some times, but it is important that we get back up and truly strive for the greatness that He has predestined in our lives. So what your eating has been horrible for two weeks… today is a new day! Haven’t worked out in a month? Today is a new day. It is never too late to start over and get it right.

Make a commitment today to accomplish your goals and hold yourself to it on a daily basis. Instead of worrying everyday about those twenty pounds that you want to lose, make a list of daily steps that will aid you in losing those pounds and hold yourself accountable to those individual steps… did you drink those 8 glasses of water you promised yourself, did you take that kickboxing class that you promised yourself, did you resist the beef and settle for grilled fish instead? That is were it starts… change your mindset and you can and will accomplish your goals!

In Peace and Struggle.

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