Wednesday, February 4, 2009

SSDWLC's Daily Newsletter: Give It Up!


GREETINGS!!! I do hope that all of you are enjoying an AWESOME morning!

I must say… I am extremely proud of myself! Yesterday I stuck to the guidelines of my fast with out cheating. I must say, it was pretty difficult, but God held my hand and brought me through! He is indeed amazing!

Fast Details…
I started yesterday out with a shake at 8am (for breakfast). I must admit I was getting a tad hungry around 11:30am. It was to the point that I chewed gum, to curb my appetite. The gum didn’t work! I began to talk to God and he told me to go ahead and have my “lunch shake” (I was planning to have it around 2). After having that shake, my hunger went away. I endured a brief work out, enjoyed a little steam and took a shower. After picking Caleb up from school, we headed to the barbershop (around 4). I must admit… my stomach began to talk to me. I stayed focused and talked to God. Six o’clock was just 120 minutes away; I surely could last until then.

We left the barbershop and headed to the grocery store. I bought me my favorite type of sushi and went home in preparation of my feast. At exactly 6:03pm I was inserting the delicious sushi into my mouth. I had made it to 6:00pm! God is good. I know today it will be easier.

All this sacrifice is well worth it… I am beginning to see clearer all ready.

I am excited that I am able to take each of you on this journey with me! I have never committed to fasting and praying. I know that there are things I need to give up and the sacrifice of this fast is aiding in my transition of living a life of purpose!

CRay’s Tip of the Day…
Give It Up! I challenge each of you to dedicate an amount of time (any) to giving something up, that you don’t need. We all have idols… what is yours? Start by giving it up for a month (praying to God) and watch your blessing come forth!

Is it Drinking? Smoking? Clubbing? Soda? Junk Food? Sex (Fornication)? Cursing? Attitude? Envy? Jealousy? Back Stabbing? Adultery?

If I did not bowl down your alley, I am sure you can find some idol that you need to let go of in order to live a mentally and emotionally healthy life. Start by giving yourself a month, and add on from there. Use God as your guide and greatness is inevitable!

In Peace and Struggle.

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